Properties of Rational Numbers

Properties of Rational Numbers

Closure Property

If the result obtained after performing a specific mathematical operation between any two rational numbers is also a rational number then, the set of rational numbers is said to be closed for that operation.
Addition: Rational numbers are closed under addition.
    For any two rational numbers a and b, c is also a rational number.
a + b = c , c∊  
     e.g., 2/75/6 = (12+35)/42 = 47/42 (a rational number)

Subtraction: Rational numbers are closed under subtraction.
    For any two rational numbers a and b, c is also a rational number.
a − b = c , c∊  
     e.g.,  2/7 − 5/6 = (12−35)/42 = −23/42 (a rational number)

Multiplication: Rational numbers are closed under multiplication.
    For any two rational numbers a and b, c is also a rational number.
a × b = c , c∊  
     e.g., 2/7 × 5/6 = 10/42 = 5/21 (a rational number)

Division: Rational numbers are not closed under division.
    For any two rational numbers a and b, c may not be  a rational number.
    a ÷ b = c , c∉  for b = 0
    e.g., 2/7 ÷ 0/6 = 2/7 × 6/0  
          = 12/0 (not defined, not a rational number)

Commutative Property

If the result obtained before and after changing the orders of any two rational numbers for a particular mathematical operation is same then, rational numbers are said to be commutative for that operation.

↬ Addition: Rational numbers are commutative for addition.
    for any two rational numbers a and b,
a + b = b + a
     e.g., 2/7 + 5/6 = (12+35)/42 = 47/42 
             5/6 + 2/7 = (35+12)/42 = 47/42 

↬ Subtraction: Rational numbers are not commutative for subtraction.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
a − b ≠ b − a
     e.g., 2/7 − 5/6 = (12−35)/42 = −23/42
             5/6 − 2/7 = (35−12)/42 =  23/42   (results are not same but opposite)

↬ Multiplication: Rrational numbers are commutative for multiplication.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
a × b = b × a
     e.g.,  2/7 × 5/6 = 10/42 = 5/21
              5/6 × 2/7 = 10/42 = 5/21

↬ Division: Rational numbers are not commutative for division.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
a ÷ b ≠ b ÷ a 
    e.g., 2/7 ÷ 1/3 = 2/7 × 3/1 = 6/7 
           1/3 ÷ 2/7 = 1/3 × 7/2 = 7/6

Associative Property

If the result obtained before and after changing the grouping of rational numbers for a particular mathematical operation is same then, rational numbers are said to be commutative for that operation.

↬ Addition: Rational numbers are associative for addition.
    for any two rational numbers a and b,
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
     e.g., (2/7 + 5/6) + 4/3 = 47/42 + 4/3 = (47+56)/42 = 103/42 
            2/+ (5/6 + 4/3) = 2/+ 13/6 = (12+91)/42 = 103/42 

↬ Subtraction: Rational numbers are not associative for subtraction.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
(a − b) − c ≠ a − (b − c) 
     e.g., (2/7 − 5/6) − 4/3 = −23/42 − 4/3 = (−23−56)/42 = −79/42
            2/7 − (5/6 − 4/3) = 2/7 − −3/6 = {12−(−21)}/42 = 33/42

↬ Multiplication: Rational numbers are associative for multiplication.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
(a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
     e.g.,  (2/7×5/63/2 = 10/42×3/2 = 5/21 7×3/2 = 5/14
              2/7×(5/6 2×3/2)= 2/7×5/4 2 = 5/14
↬ Division: Rational numbers are not associative for division.
    for any two rational numbers a and b, 
(a ÷ b) ÷ c ≠ a ÷( b÷ c)
    e.g., (2/7÷1/34/5 = (2/7×3/14/5 = 36/7×5/4 2 = 15/14
            2/7÷(1/3÷4/5) = 2/7÷(1/3×5/4) = 2/7÷5/12 = 2/7×12/5 = 24/35

Distributive Property

Multiplying a rational number with sum of two rational numbers will give same result when the number is first multiplied with each addend & then adding the products.
↬ For all rational numbers a, b and c,
a (b + c) = ab + ac
a (b – c) = ab – ac

Role of 0

Additive Identity : 

Zero is called the identity for the addition of rational numbers because when we add 0 to any rational number we get the same number i.e. the number retain its identity. It is the additive identity for integers and whole numbers as well.
e.g., 2/3 + 0 = 2/3
       −2 + 0 = −2
       21 +0 =21

Additive Inverse (Negative) : 

When we add any rational number with its negative (opposite) we  get 0. Negative of a rational number is called its additive inverse.

e.g., additive inverse of 2/3 is −2/3 because, 2/3+(−2/3) = 0
       additive inverse of −4/3 is 4/3 because, −4/3+4/3 = 0
Additive inverse of any rational number 'a' is '−a'.
a + (−a) =0

Role of 1

Multiplicative Identity : 

One is called the identity for the multiplication of rational numbers because when we multiply 1 to any rational number we get the same number i.e. the number retain its identity. It is the multiplicative identity for integers and whole numbers as well.
e.g., 2/3 × 1 = 2/3
      −2 × 1 = −2
       21 × 1 = 21

Multiplicative Inverse (Reciprocal) : 

When we multiply any rational number with its reciprocal (inverse) we  get 1. Reciprocal of a rational number is called its multiplicative inverse.

e.g., multiplicative inverse of 2/3 is 3/2 because, 2/3×3/2 =6/6 =1
        multiplicative inverse of −4/3 is −3/4 because, −2/3×−3/4 =12/12 =1
∴ Multiplicative inverse of any rational number 'a' is '1/a'.
a × 1/a= 1

Rational Numbers

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