Exponents & Powers

Image Credit: Pixabay.com
Mass of earth = 5,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
Mass of Uranus = 86,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.

Distance between Sun and Saturn = 1,433,500,000,000 m
Distance between Saturn and Uranus = 1,439,000,000,000 m.

How would we read these numbers ?
Which is heavier, Earth or Uranus?
Which distance is less ? Between Sun & Saturn or between Saturn & Uranus?

These numbers are very large and hence difficult to read, understand and compare.
To make these numbers easy to read, understand and compare, we use exponents.


We can express a larger number as the products of its factors as
100000 = 100×1000
or 100000 = 100×50×20
or 100000 = 10×10×10×5×2×10
or 100000 = 10×10×10×10×10
In last expression, we can see that same number 10 is multiplied 5 times, we use notation 105 to represent this product 10×10×10×10×10.
100000 =  10×10×10×10×10 = 105
It is an exponential form of 100000 and is read as 10 raised to the power of 5.
Here ‘10’ is called the base and ‘5’ the exponent.
∴ An exponent refers to the number of times a number is multiplied by itself.

"Exponential form is a way of expressing a standard number using a base and a raised number called an exponent."

➤ Numbers in expanded form can be written in exponential form
     25769 = 2 × 10000 + 5 × 1000 + 7 × 100 + 6 × 10 + 9
           = 2 × 104 + 5 × 103 + 7 × 102 + 6 × 10 + 9

➤ Exponential numbers having base other than 10,
     16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 24           here, 2 is the base & 4 is the exponent.
     16 = 4 × 4 = 42                           here, 4 is the base & 2 is the exponent.
     64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 26    here, 2 is the base & 6 is the exponent.
     64 = 4 ×4 × 4 = 43                    here, 4 is the base & 3 is the exponent.
     81 =  3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 34         here, 3 is the base & 4 is the exponent.

Some exponents have special names-

↬ Square — When the exponent is 2 i.e. when the base is raised to 2, it is said to be squired.
      32, which is 3 raised to the power 2, also read as ‘3 squared
      32 = 3×3 =9  
     102, which is 10 raised to the power 2, also read as ‘10 squared
     102 = 10×10 =100
↬ Cube  When the exponent is 3 i.e. when the base is raised to 3, it is said to be cubed.
      23, which is 2 raised to the power 3, also read as ‘2 cubed
      23 = 2×2×2 = 8
      53, which is 5 raised to the power 3, also read as ‘5 cubed
      53 = 5×5×5 = 125

For any integer a
a = a1 
a × a = a2 (read as ‘a squared’ or ‘a raised to the power 2’)
a × a × a = a3 (read as ‘a cubed’ or ‘a raised to the power 3’)
a × a × a × a = a4 (read as a raised to the power 4 or the 4th power of a)
a × a × a × a × a × a × a = a 7 (read as a raised to the power 7 or the 7th power of a)
and so on.

Exponential form of negative integer

↪ (−2)2 = (−2)×(−2) = 4, 
      Value of a negative integer raised to even positive power is positive.
↪ (−2)3 = (−2)×(−2)×(−2) = −8,
      Value of a negative integer raised to odd positive power is negative.

(-a)m = a, for any positive even number m
(-a)n = -a, for any positive odd number n

Exponential form as power of different factors

144 = 9×16 =3×3×4×4 = 32×42
Order of factor doesn't matter
(Multiplication is commutative )
32×4= 42×32

a × a × a × b × b can be expressed as a3b2(read as a cubed b squared)
a × a × b × b × b × b can be expressed as a2b4 (read as a squared into b raised to the power of 4).
a 3 b 2 = b 2 a 3      (commutative Property)
a 2 b 4 = b 4 a 2

Exponential form as power of prime factors. 

(Each base must be a prime number).
144 = 9×16 =3×3×4×4 = 3×3×2×2×2×2 = 32×24  
Prime factorise the number first, then express it in exponential form
432 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3
or 432 = 24× 33
Try These
(1) Express: (i) 729 as a power of 3 (ii) 128 as a power of 2
      (iii) 343 as a power of 7
(2) Express  as product of powers of their prime factors:
      (i) 648  (ii) 405  (iii) 540
(3) Compare the following numbers:
     (i) 2.7 × 1012 ; 1.5 × 108 (ii) 4 × 1014 ; 3 × 1017
(1) (i) 729 =3×3×3×3×3×3 = 36
      (ii) 128 = 2×2×2×2×2×2×2 = 27
     (iii) 343 = 7×7×7 = 73
(2) (i) 648 = 2×2×2×3×3×3×3 = 23×34
      (ii) 405 = 3×3×3×3×5 = 34×5
(3) (i) 2.7 × 1012 > 1.5 × 108
      (ii) 4 × 1014 < 3 × 1017

Laws of Exponents

Multiplying Powers with the same base

→ 22×25 =2×2×2×2×2×2×2 = 27 = 2 2+5
→ (−3) 2×(−3) 3 = (−3)×(−3)×(−3)×(−3)×(−3) 
    = (−3)5 = (−3)2+3
→ a2×a3 = a× a× a× a× a =a 5 = a 2+3

For any  non-zero integers a, where m and n are whole numbers.
am× an = a m+n

Dividing Powers with the same base

→ 2÷ 22 = 2×2 ×2×2×2/2×2 
     = 2= 2 5-2
→ (−3) 3 ÷(−3) 2 = (−3)×(−3)×(−3)/(−3)×(−3) 
     = (−3) = (−3)3−2
→ a÷ a2 = a× a× a× a/ a× a 
     = a 2 = a 4-2

For any  non-zero integers a, where m and n are whole numbers and m > n.
am ÷ an = a m-n

Power of a Power

→ (53)2 =53×53 = 53+3 = 5= 53×2 
→ (32) 5= 32×32×32×32×32 
     = 32+2+2+2+2 = 310 = 32×5
→ (a2)3 = a2× a2× a2 =a 2+2+2 
     = a6= a 2×3

For any  non-zero integers a, where m and n are whole numbers.
(am)n = a m×n

Multiplying Powers with the same exponent

→ 23×53 =2×2×2×5×5×5 = (2×5)×(2×5)×(2×5) 
                 = 10×10×10 = 103 = (2×5)
→ (−3)2×(2)2 = (−3)×(−3)×2×2 = (−3×2)×(−3×2) 
                           = (−6)×(−6) = (−6)2 =(−3×2)2
→ a2×b2 = a× a× b× b = (a× b)×(a× b) = (ab)2 = (a×b)2

For any  non-zero integers a and b, where m is any whole number.
am×bm = (a×b) m

Dividing Powers with the same exponent

→ 2÷ 32 = 2×2 /3×3 = 22/32 = (2/3)2
→ a÷ b4 = a× a× a× a/b×b×b×b = a4/b4 = (a/b)4
For any non-zero integers a and b , where m is any whole number.
am ÷ bm = (a/b) m

Exponent Zero

→ 2÷ 22 = 2×2 /2×2 = 4/4 = 1,
     also, 2÷ 22 = 22-2 = 20           ( using laws of exponents )
     ⇒ 20 = 1
→ 5÷ 52 = 5×5 /5×5 = 25/25 = 1,
     also, 5÷ 52 = 52-2 = 50            ( using laws of exponents )
     ⇒ 50 = 1
For any non-zero integer a,  a0 = 1

a0 = 1
a× an = a m+n
am ÷ an = a m-n
(am)n = a m×n  
a× bm = (a×b) m  
am ÷ bm = (a/b)
exponent 0
same base
same base
power of power
same exponent
same exponent

Try These
(1) Simplify and write in exponential form:
(i) 25 × 23                             (ii) p3 × p2                      (iii) 911 ÷ 97
(iv) 2015 ÷ 2013               (v) (7015)2                     (vi) 43 × 23
(vii) 25 × b5                        (viii) 25 ÷ b5                  (ix) (-2)3 ÷ b3

(2) Simplify: (25)2× 7/ 83 × 7
(1)  (i) 25+3 = 28
(ii) p3+2 = p5
(iii) 911-7 = 94
(iv) 2015-13 = 202
(v) 7015×= 7030
(vi) (4 × 2)= 83
(vii) (2× b)5= (2b)5
(ii) (2 ÷ b)5= (2/b)5
(iii) {(-2) ÷ b}3= (-2/b)3

(2)  (25)2× 783 × 7
    = 25×2× 7(23)3 × 7
    = 210× 729 × 7
    = 21029 × 7371
    = 210-9 × 73-1
    = 2× 72
    = 2×49
    = 98

Expansion of Decimal numbers in the Exponential form

25769 = 2 × 10000 + 5 × 1000 + 7 × 100 + 6 × 10 + 9 × 1
              = 2 × 104 + 5 × 103 + 7 × 102 + 6 × 101 + 9 × 100

Standard Index form of a number

Standard Index Form of A Number
Any number can be expressed as a decimal number between 1.0 and 10.0 including 1.0 multiplied by a power of 10 . Such a form of a number is called its standard form (or standard index form).
a × 10n     (where a is any real number such that 1≤|a|<10 and n is any integer. )
→ |a| should be greater or equal to 1 and less than 10, i.e., −10 < a ≤ −1 and 1 ≤ a < 10.
e.g., 79 = 7.9× 101
        790 = 7.9×102
        7900 = 7.9× 103 and so on.
→ A very large number or very small number can be easily expressed with it.
     e.g. 423,000,000,000,000 = 4.23×1014
     A very small number uses negative powers.
    e.g. 0.000000000692 = 6.92×10−10

Comparing numbers in Standard Index form

Now, we can answer the questions asked at beginning by expressing those large numbers into standard form,

Mass of earth = 5,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
= 5.97×1024 kg
= five point nine seven times ten raised to the power of twenty-four.

Mass of Uranus = 86,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
= 8.68 ×1025 kg
= eight point six hundred eight times ten raised to the power of twenty-five.

Simply by comparing the powers of 10 in the above two, we can tell that the mass of Uranus is greater than that of the Earth.
8.680 ×1025 kg > 5.97×1024 kg
∴ Uranus is heavier than earth.

Distance between Sun and Saturn = 1,433,500,000,000 m =1.4335×1012 m
Distance between Saturn and Uranus = 1,439,000,000,000 m.= 1.439×1012 m
Powers of 10 in both numbers are same and 1.4335 < 1.439
1.4335×1012 m < 1.439×1012 m
∴  Distance between Sun & Saturn is less the distance between Saturn and Uranus.
Try These
(1) Expand by expressing powers of 10 in the exponential form:
     (i) 172               (ii) 56,439
(1)(i) 172 = 1×100 + 7×10 + 2×1 = 1×102 + 7×101 + 2×100
    (ii) 56,439 = 5×10,000 + 6×1000 + 4×100 + 3×10 + 9×1
                      = 5×104 + 6×103 +4×102 + 3×101 + 9×100

Properties of Rational Numbers

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