
An algebraic expression containing one or more terms is called a polynomial in which the exponent (power) of the variables must be a whole number.

2xx2−y + yx 
2y−5yz + 2, are polynomials.

2x−2−y , is not a polynomial.
5yz , is not a polynomial.

Polynomials in One Variable

Polynomials in one variable have only one variable.
x2 + x
y3 −5+ 4

The numerical factor (constant) of the term in a polynomial is called it's coefficient.
In x3 −3x2 + 2x + 5,
the coefficient of  x3 is 1,
the coefficient of  x2 is 3,
the coefficient of  x is 2,
the coefficient of  x0 is 5.

Constant Polynomials

Polynomial having only a constant term is called a constant polynomial.
3,−7, 9 etc.

Zero Polynomial
The constant polynomial 0 is called the zero polynomial.

Denoting a Polynomial in one variable

If the variable in a polynomial is x, we may denote the polynomial by p(x), or q(x), or r(x), etc. 

p(x) = x3 −3x2 + 2+ 5
q(x) = 3x2 – x + 9  
r(y) = 5y6 – 4y2 – 6
s(n) = n2 + n

A polynomial can have any (finite) number of terms
Monomials -Polynomials having only one term.
p(x) = x2
q(y) = y3
Binomials -Polynomials having only two terms.
p(x) = x2+ 2x
q(y) = y3– 6
Trinomials -Polynomials having only three terms.
p(x) = x3 −3x2 + 2
r(n) = 3n2 – n + 9  

Degree of a Polynomial

The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is called the degree of the polynomial.
The degree of the polynomial 3x7 – 4x6 + x + 9 is 7,
the degree of the polynomial 5y6 – 4y2 – 6 is 6.

The degree of a non-zero constant polynomial is zero.
The degree of the zero polynomial is not defined.

Linear Polynomial

A polynomial of degree one is called a linear polynomial.
p(x) = x −2
q(y) = 2y + 5
A linear polynomial in one variable will have at most 2 terms.
General form of linear polynomial in x -
ax + b,
Wher a ≠ 0 and a and b are constants.

Quadratic Polynomial

A polynomial of degree two is called a quadratic polynomial.
p(x) = x2 −3x2 + 2
r(n) = 3n2 – n + 9  
A quadratic polynomial in one variable will have at most 3 terms.
General form of quadratic polynomial in x -
ax2 + bx + c,
Wher a ≠ 0 and a, b and c are constants.

Cubic Polynomial

A polynomial of degree three is called a cubic polynomial.
p(x) = 3x3 – 4x2 + x + 9
q(y) = 5y3 – 2y – 6
A cubic polynomial in one variable will have at most 4 terms.
General form of cubic polynomial in x -
ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
Wher a ≠ 0 and a, b, c and d are constants.

Evaluating Polynomials

To find the value of a polynomial at the given value of the variable, we put the value of the variable in the polynomial.

Let's find the value of p(x) = 3x3 – 4x2 + x + 9 at x =2
To find the value of p(x) at x = 2 we put 2 in the place of x,
p(2) = 3⋅23 – 4⋅22 + 2 + 9
        3⋅8 – 4⋅4 + 2 + 9
         = 24 – 16 + 11
         = 19

Let's find the value of p(x) = x −2 at x = 2
p(2) = 2 −2
         = 0
Value of the variable for which the value of the polynomial is zero is known as zero of the polynomial.

Zeroes (Roots) of a Polynomial

Value of the variable for which the value of a polynomial is zero is called zero of of the polynomial.
A real number ‘a’ is a zero of a polynomial p(x) if p(a) = 0. 
A zero of the polynomial p(x) is also called the root of the polynomial equation, p(x) = 0

Finding a zero of the polynomial p(x), is the same as solving the equation p(x) = 0  
Let's find the zero of p(x) = 2x −4
p(x) = 0
⇒ 2x −4 = 0
⇒ 2x 4
x 4/2
x 2
∴ 2 is the zero of  the polynomial p(x)  and, 
root of the equation p(x)=0.

Root of a linear polynomial in one variable in general form,
ax + b = 0 (general form of a linear polynomial in one variable)
⇒ ax = − b
x = − b/a
Every linear polynomial in one variable has a unique zero .

A non-zero constant polynomial has no zero.
e.g., 5x0 = 5 for any value of x.
Every real number is a zero of the zero polynomial.
e.g., 0x = 0 for any value of x.

Division & Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

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