Simple Interest

Simple Interest
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Borrowed money is called Principal.

Time Period 

Period of time for which money is borrowed is called time period.


Borrowed money has to be returned at the end of time period with some extra money. This extra money is called Interest.

Rate of interest 

Interest is charged as some percentage of Principal for a period of time. When the rate is charged yearly it is called rate per annum.
 e.g., 10% per annum, which means 10% of the principal will be charged as interest per year for given time period.


Sum of Principal and Interest to be returned after the given period of time is called Amount.

Interest for one year

➣ Money is borrowed for one year of time period.
Interest = R% of P, where R= rate of interest and P =Principal
Interest = R/100×P = P×R/100
➣ Q) Rs 10,000 is invested at 5% interest rate p.a. Find the interest at the end of one year.
     A) P = Rs 10,000
          R =  5% p.a.
          Interest at the end of year =  R % of P P×R/100= 10000× 5/100 = Rs 500

Interest for multiple years

Money is borrowed for more than one year of time period .


Interest is calculated for every year on the same Principal and added at the end of the time period, this sum is called Simple Interest (SI).
➣ SI for one year = P×R/100
➣ SI for two year = P×R/100 +  P×R/1002P×R/100
➣ SI for T year = P×R/100 +  P×R/100 +............T times = P×R×T/100
Amount (A) payable after T year = P + SI
SI = P×R×T
A = P + I
Try These
(Q1) Rs 3,500 is given at 7% p.a. rate of interest. Find the interest which will be received at the end of two years
(Q2). Rs 6,000 is borrowed at 6 % rate of interest p.a.. Find the interest and the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years.
(Q3). You have Rs 2,400 in your account and the interest rate is 5%. After how many years would you earn Rs 240 as interest.
(Q4). On a certain sum the interest paid after 3 years is Rs 450 at 5% rate of interest per annum. Find the sum.

 (A1) P = 3,500
         R = 7% p.a.
         T = 2 years
        ∴ SI = P×R×T/100 3500×7×2/100 = Rs 490

(A2) P = 6,000
        R = 6% p.a.
        T = 3 years
       ∴ SI = P×R×T/100 6000×6×3/100 = Rs 1080

(A3) P = 2,400
        R = 5% p.a.
        SI = Rs 240
        T = ?
       ∵ SI = P×R×T/100 
     ⇒ 240= 2400×5×T/100
     ⇒ 240 = 24×5×T
     ⇒ 24×5×T = 240
     ⇒ T = 240/24×5 = 2 years
      ∴ After 2 years we would earn Rs 240 as interest.

(A4) P = ?
        R = 5% p.a.
        SI = Rs 450
        T = 3
       ∵ SI = P×R×T/100 
     ⇒ 450 = 5×3/100
     ⇒ 450×100 = 15×P
     ⇒ 15×P = 450×100
     ⇒ P = 45000/15 = 3000
      ∴ The sum borrowed = Rs 3000


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