Irrational Numbers

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Various types of numbers we have learned so far
➣ Counting numbers - 1, 2, 3,...
➣ Zero - 0
➣ Negative numbers -...,-3,-2,-1
➣ Fractions - Number representing part of a whole.
➣ Decimals - Numbers representing both integral and fractional part .

Different sets found to group these numbers
➢ Natural Numbers, N = {Counting numbers}
➢ Whole numbers, W = {0,N}
➢ Integers, Z = {...,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,...}
➢ Rational Numbers, Q = {p/q, q≠0},
  → Every integers can be expressed as p/ with q=1.
  → The rational numbers do not have a unique representation in the form p/, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0. For example, 1/2= 2/4 =10/20 =25/50 = 47/94, and so on. These are equivalent rational numbers (or fractions).
  → On the number line, among the infinitely many fractions equivalent to 1/2, we will choose 1/2 i.e., the simplest form to represent all of them.
  → There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.

Is the rational number the complete set of numbers ?
Are there numbers which can't be represented as rational number ?

Rational number is not a complete set of numbers
 There are infinitely many numbers that can not be represented as a ratio of two integers.These numbers are called Irrational numbers.
e.g. √2, 𝜋 (22/7
is its approximate value) etc.

"An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction p/q for any integers p and q. Irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor reoccurring."

Hippassus of Metapontum (5th century BC), a Greek Pythagorean (followers of Pythagoras) philosopher , found while working on square of unit side that the length of its diagonal (√2 unit) can't be expressed as ratio of two integers. Myths suggests that the other Pythagoreans who believed adamantly that only rational number could exist, threw Hippassus overboard on a sea voyage, and vowed to keep the existence of irrational numbers an official secret of their sect.

➧ In 425 BC,Theodorus of Cyrene showed that 3, 5, 6, 7 , 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 are also irrationals.
 π was known to various cultures for thousands of years, it was proved to be irrational by Lambert and Legendre only in the late 1700s.
➧ Square root of Prime numbers are irrational.

Irrational numbers on the number line

Irrational numbers like √2, √3, √5 etc can be shown on number line using Pythagoras theorem.

√2 on number line

→ First, we consider a unit square OABC, with each side 1 unit in length. Then we can see by the Pythagoras theorem that, length of the diagonal
OB = √(12 + 12) = √2 .
→ We transfer this square onto the number line making sure that the vertex O coincides with zero.
→ Using a compass with centre O and radius OB, draw an arc intersecting the number line at the point P. Then P corresponds to √2 on the number line.

√3 on number line

→ We draw number line with ∆OAB (OA=AB= 1unit & OB=√2 unit), O at origin as in previous case.
→ Construct BD of unit length perpendicular to OB.
→ Then using the Pythagoras theorem, we see that OD = (2)2 + 12 = 3 .
→ Using a compass, with centre O and radius OD, draw an arc which intersects the number line at the point Q. Then Q corresponds to √3 .
➧ In the same way, we can locate √n for any positive integer n, after √(n − 1) has been located.

Difference Between Rational & Irrational numbers 

Decimal expansions of rationals and irrationals numbers can be used to distinguish between them.

Decimal expansions of Rational Numbers

On division of p by q, two main things happen – either the remainder becomes zero or never becomes zero and we get a repeating string of remainders.
    ➢ When the remainder becomes zero, the decimal expansion terminates or ends after a finite number of steps. We call the decimal expansion of such numbers terminating.
    e.g, 3/4 = 0.75, 7/8 = 0.875.

    ➢ When the remainder never becomes zero, we get a repeating string of remainders and we have a repeating block of digits in the quotient. We say that this expansion is non-terminating recurring.
Such numbers are represented by bar above the block of digits that repeats.
     e.g, 4/3 = 1.333... = 1.31/7 = 0.142857142857...= 0.142857  
    The number of entries in the repeating string of quotient is generally less than the divisor.

   ➢ How can we express terminating & non-terminating reoccurring decimals in the form  p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
   → Terminating decimals can be expressed in the form of p/q by first putting 1 in denominator and adding same number of zeros after it as number of digits in numerator after the decimal point and then removing the decimal point.
        2.1423 = 21423/10000
   → Non-terminating reoccurring decimals can be expressed in the form of  p/by using algebraic equations.
e.g., Expressing 0.7777...= 0.7 in the form p/q; where p & q are integers & q ≠ 0.
        Since we do not know what 0.7 is , let us call it ‘x’
        so x = 0.7777...                                       (i)
        Now here is where the trick comes in.
        Multiplying both side with 10, we get
        10 x = 10 × (0.777...) = 7.777...             (ii)
        Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
        10x - x = 7.777... - 0.777...
        ⇒ 9x = 7
        ⇒ x = 7/9
        ∴ 0.77/9

Decimal expansions of an Irrational number is non-terminating non-recurring.

   → √2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096...
   → π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950...
   → We often take 22/7 as an approximate value for π, but π ≠ 22/7. 
   → The Greek genius Archimedes (287 BCE – 212 BCE) was the first to compute digits in the decimal expansion of π. He showed 3.140845 < π < 3.142857. Aryabhatta (476 – 550 C.E.), the great Indian mathematician and astronomer, found the value of π correct to four decimal places (3.1416). Using high speed computers and advanced algorithms, π has been computed to over 1.24 trillion decimal places!

The  decimal  expansion  of  a  rational  number  is  either  terminating  or  non-terminating recurring whereas the decimal expansion of an irrational number is non-terminating non-recurring.

Cube & Cube Roots

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