
Number System
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"A fraction is a number representing part of a whole."
The Whole may be a single object or group of objects but the parts have to be equal.
e.g,  512 (five-twelfths)
Denominator -  It is the number of equal parts into which the whole has been divided. (12 in 512)
Numerator - 5 -It is the number of equal parts which have been taken out. (5 in 512)

Proper fraction 

In proper fraction numerator is always less than denominator.
e.g., 12, 34, 512.

Improper fraction

how can you share 5 apples among four person?
Divide each apple into four equal part, then each person will get a equal share.
 i.e.(14+14+14+14+14 = 54).
"The fractions, where the numerator is grater than the denominator are called improper fractions." e.g., 32, 74, 1912 .
Improper fraction can be also be expressed as mixed fraction. e.g., in above example, each share is made up of one whole and one quarter (14+14+14+14+14 =44+ 14=1+14). which can be written as.

Mixed fraction 

 A mixed fraction has combination of whole and part.
174=164+14=4+14 =414
We can express an improper as a mixed fraction by dividing the numerator by denominator to obtain the quotient and the remainder. Then, the mixed fraction will be written as: Quotient RemainderDivisor

Proper fraction on the Number line :

Fractions can be placed on a number line just like the whole numbers.
→ Proper fraction lie between 0 and 1.
→ Draw a line and mark a point 0 near the left end and 1 near right end.
→ Divide the line segment (gap) between these number into same number of equal parts as denominator.
→ Then the first part will be equal to 1D, the second part will be equal to 2D and so on.

Equivalent Fractions

Fractions which represent the same part of a whole are called equivalent fractions.e.g.,12, 24, 26, 48, 510...are all equivalent fractions.
↪ Equivalent fractions of a given fraction can be obtained by-
-multiplying the numerator & the denominator of the given fraction by the same number.
↪ Cross product of any two equivalent fractions are always equal.

Simplest form of a Fraction

A fraction is said to be in simplest (or lowest) form when its denominator and numerator have no common factor except 1.
e.g., 12, 23, 35 etc.
↬ How to find equivalent fraction in the simplest form/ How to simplify the fraction?
Find HCF of the numerator & the denominator, and then divide both of them with the HCF.
e.g., Let's find the simplest form of 4575
45 = 3×3×5, 75 = 3×5×5
HCF = 3×5 = 15  ⇥| How to Find HCF of Natural Numbers |⇤
∴ Simplest form of 4575 = 45÷1575÷15 = 35

Like & Unlike Fractions

Like Fractions -Fractions with same denominator are called like fractions.
e.g., 15, 25, 35 etc.
Unlike Fractions -Fractions with different denominator are called unlike fractions.
e.g., 13, 25, 37 etc.

Comparing Fractions

Comparing Like Fractions:
↬ The denominators are same.
Fraction with greater numerator will be greater.
1< 2< 35

Comparing Unlike Fractions: 
↬ When the numerators are same:
Fraction with smaller denominator will be greater.
224 < 23
↬ When both the numerators and denominators are different.
We find the LCM of the denominators and then find equivalent fraction of the each given fractions with denominator equal to the LCM  and then we can compare them as like fractions.
Compare : 34 , 15 & 56
→ LCM of 5, 4 and 6 is 60
→ 34 = 3×154×15 = 45⁄60,
    15 = 1×125×12 = 12⁄60,
    56 = 5×106×10 = 50⁄60,
→ Now we can compare the numerators, 12<45<50
→ This implies that, 1< 34 < 56

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

➤ Addition and Subtraction of Like fractions:
→ Add/Subtract the numerators.
→ Retain the common denominator.
→ Write the resultant fraction as : Result of Step 1 / Result of Step 2
→ Add 35 & 45 :   35 + 45 = 3+45 = 75    
→ Subtract 45 from 35 :    35 - 45 = 3-45 = -15  

➤ Addition and Subtraction of Unlike fractions:
→ Find the LCM of denominators.
→ Write equivalent fractions with common denominator (LCM).
→ They are like fractions now, so proceed as with like fractions.
→ Add 35 & 47 :
    LCM of 5 & 7 = 35
    35  = 3×75×7 = 2135  
    47  = 4×57×5 = 2035    
    ∴ 35 + 47 = 2135 +  2035 = 21+2035  = 4135
→ Subtract   47 from 35 :
    LCM of 5 & 7 = 35
    35  = 3×75×7 = 2135  
    47  = 4×57×5 = 2035    
    ∴35 - 47 = 21352035 = 21-2035  = 135
➤ Addition and Subtraction Mixed fractions :
→ Write them as a whole part plus proper fraction or entirely as improper fraction.
→ Add the whole parts and fraction parts separately and then combine them to get final result.
→ Add 435 & 347
 435 = 4+35 ,      347 = 3+47
    Adding the whole parts = 3+4= 7
    Adding the fraction parts 35 & 47
    LCM of 5 & 7 = 35
    35  = 3×75×7 = 2135  
    47  = 4×57×5 = 2035    
    ⇒ 35 + 47 = 2135 +  2035 = 21+2035  = 4135
    435 + 347 = 7+ 4135 = 74135

Multiplication & Division of Integers

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