Whole Number

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Natural numbers, also called Counting numbers begin with 1 i.e., when we start counting something, we start from 1.
↪ We know that Predecessor of any natural number is the number that comes before it, & we get it by subtracting one from the given number.
One has no predecessor in natural numbers because when we subtract one from itself, we get zero which is not a natural number.
↪ Also, when we subtract any number from itself, we get 0.
↪ 0 (zero) is not a part of counting number as we can't count 0. It was also not thought as a actual number for many years. But now, we know its significance.

"When we add 0 to the set of natural numbers, we get a new set of numbers called Whole numbers."
Time to Think
1) Are all natural number also whole numbers?
2) Are all whole numbers also natural number?
3) Has the natural number 1 no predecessor?
4) Has the whole number 1 no predecessor?
5) Has the whole number 0 no predecessor?
6) Which is smallest whole number?
7) Which is smallest whole number?
1) Yes.
2) No, 0 is not a natural number.
3) Yes.
4) No, predecessor of whole number 1 is 0.
5) Yes.
6) 0.
7) none.

Properties of Whole numbers

Closure property

➤ For addition- closed - sum of  any two whole number is whole number,e.g.,
0+2 = 2
5+6 = 11
➤ For multiplication- closed -product of  any two whole number is whole number,e.g.,
0×2 = 0
5×6 = 30
➤ For subtraction- not closed -difference of  any two whole number is not always whole number,e.g.,
0-2 = ?, not a whole number
6-5 = 1
5-6 = ?, not a whole number
➤ For division - not closed - division of  any two whole number is not always whole number,e.g.,
4÷2 = 2
2÷4 = ?, not a whole number
6÷5 = ?, not a whole number

Commutative property

➤ For addition- commutative - we can add two whole numbers in any order & the result will be same, e.g.,
0+2 = 2 ⇔ 2+0 =2
5+6 =11 ⇔ 6+5 =11

➤ For multiplication- commutative - we can multiply two whole numbers in any order & the result will be same, e.g.,
0×2 = 0 ⇔ 2×0 = 0
5×6 =30 ⇔ 6×5 =30

➤ For subtraction- not commutative - we can not subtract two whole numbers in any order, the result will get changed if we reverse the order, e.g.,
2-0 =2 ⇎ 0-2 =?  
6-5 =1 ⇎ 5-6 =?            

➤ For division - not commutative - we can not divide two whole numbers in any order, the result will get changed if we reverse the order, e.g.,
4÷2 =2 ⇎ 2÷4 =?
9÷3 =3 ⇎ 3÷9 =?

Associative property

➤For addition- associative- sum of natural numbers will give same result when the grouping of numbers is changed, e.g.,
(0+2)+5 =2+5 =7 ⇔ 0+(2+5) =2+5 =7
(3+6)+7 =9+7 =16 ⇔ 3+(6+7) =3+13 =16

➤For multiplication- associative- product of natural numbers will give same result when the grouping of numbers is changed, e.g.,
(0×2)×4 =0×4 =0 ⇔ 0×(2×4)= 0×8 =0
(3×4)×7 =12×7 =84 ⇔ 3×(4×7) =3×28 =84

➤For subtraction- not associative- difference of natural numbers may not give same result when the grouping of numbers is changed, e.g.,
(4-2)-1=2-1=1  ⇎  4-(2-1)= 4-1= 3  , results are not same
(6-3)-1=3-1=2  ⇎  6-(3-1)= 6-2 =4  , results are not same
➤For division - not associative- division of natural numbers may not give same result when the grouping of numbers is changed, e.g.,
(6÷3)÷1=2÷1 =2 ⇎ 6÷(3÷1) =6÷3 =2, results are same   
(16÷4)÷2=4÷2 =2 ⇎ 16÷(4÷2) =16÷2 =8, results are not same

Distributive Property/ Distribution of multiplication over addition : 

Multiplying a number with sum of two numbers will give same result when the number is first multiplied with each addend & then adding the products.
2×(0+5) = 2×5 = 10    
2×(0+5) =(2×0)+(2×5) =0+10 =10 (using distributive property)

Additive Identity

When we add 0 to any whole number, we get the same number as a result and we can say that the number has kept its identity.
0 is called additive identity for whole numbers (or any number).

Multiplicative Identity

When we multiply 1 to any whole number, we get the same number as a result and we can say that the number has kept its identity.
1 is called multiplicative identity for whole numbers (or any number).

 Natural Numbers

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